The Process Of Menstruation And Its Impact On Pregnancy

A woman’s body goes through a number of the process of puberty to menopause. These changes are mainly adapted to make the body ready to carry and conceive a pregnancy. The menstrual cycle puts this process forward by developing and releasing fertile eggs from the ovary. Uterine linings are developed during this process and if the pregnancy doesn’t tend to conceive these linings are emitted away.

If pregnancy is unexpected pregnancy or unplanned pregnancy then you can get rid of unwanted pregnancy with the help of medical Abortion Pills online. This Abortion Pill online manipulates hormones in a woman's body during these phases and continues the process of abortion. These hormones are important to continue the process of the menstrual cycle. Here we'll discuss what the phases of the menstrual cycle are. How this will impact a woman's body?

This process will happen every month until menopause. It is divided into 4 different phases these are bellow.

Menstrual phase

This is the very first phase of the menstrual cycle. In this phase, an egg from the previous cycle that hasn’t been fertilized is removed. Because of no occurrence of pregnancy, the estrogen level is increased, and the progesterone level decreases in the body. This phase included the discharge of blood, mucus, and uterine tissue. Long with this, a thick lining of the uterus that has worked as support for pregnancy is also flushed during this period.

Follicular phase

This phase starts alongside the menstrual phase. This phase ends with an overall evaluation. This starts with the signaling hypothalamus to pituitary glands to release FSH (follicle stimulation hormone). FSH stimulates 25 follicles that are numbered from 5 to 25. Among them, the only fully developed follicle is released and rests are absorbed later by the body.

Ovulation phase

Increased levels of estrogen hormone trigger pituitary glands that are responsible for releasing luteinizing hormone. This hormone tends to start the ovulation process. This starts with the ovary releasing a mature egg. Then it further travels to the Fallopian tube and then to the uterus to get fertilized by sperm.

This is the only phase where the chances of a woman getting pregnant are higher than in any other process. This usually happens on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. After 24 days, an egg may die or dissolve in the body if it is not fertilized.

Luteal phase

Release egg from a follicle turns it into the corpus luteum. This overall process also releases hormones estrogen and progesterone. This increased level of hormone keeps uterine linings thick and keeps it ready for the fertile egg to get implanted. If a woman does get pregnant in this phase body will secrete an additional hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin. This hormone will detect pregnancy and will help to maintain it by keeping the uterus thick.

These are four phases of the menstrual cycle that will guide you if you wish to conceive a pregnancy. As said earlier, if a pregnancy is an unintended pregnancy, you can be terminating pregnancy with the MTP Kit online in any of these phases. If you miss your first phase after having an unprotected lovemaking life, then there is a possibility that you might be pregnant. Confirm your pregnancy as soon as possible to make an appropriate decision for the future.