Anemia May Trouble The Teenage Mother

You may develop anemia when pregnant. Anemia occurs when your blood does not contain enough healthy red blood cells to provide oxygen to your tissues and your baby. During pregnancy, your body generates extra blood to support your baby's growth. If you don't get enough iron or certain other nutrients, your body may not be able to manufacture the number of red blood cells required to produce this extra blood.

It is typical to experience slight anemia while pregnant. However, you could have more severe anemia as a result of low iron or vitamin levels, or for other reasons. Anemia can cause fatigue and weakness. If it is severe but untreated, it can raise your chance of significant complications such as premature birth. To avoid the complications, you can fill the iron deficiency by using supplements like Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid

What is the cause of anemia during pregnancy?

Several types of anemia can occur during pregnancy. The type will depend upon the condition.

Pregnancy anemia

The volume of blood increases during pregnancy. This means that it takes more iron and vitamins to produce more red blood cells. Anemia may develop if you have insufficient iron. Unless your red blood cell count falls extremely low, it is not deemed abnormal.

Deficiency of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is required for the formation of red blood cells and proteins. Consuming animal products such as milk, eggs, meats, and poultry can help avoid vitamin B-12 deficiency. Women who do not consume any animal products (vegans) are more likely to suffer from vitamin B-12 insufficiency. Strict vegans frequently require assistance.

A lack of folate

Folate (Folic Acid) is a Vitamin B that, in conjunction with iron, promotes cell development. If you do not get enough folate during pregnancy, you can become iron deficient. If consumed before and during pregnancy, folic acid reduces the risk of having a baby with certain birth abnormalities of the brain and spinal cord.

Iron deficiency anemia

During pregnancy, this is the most frequent kind of anemia. It occurs when there is insufficient iron production. This anemia causes fatigue and can reduce your resistance to infection.

How can iron deficiency anemia influence the infant during pregnancy?

Serious anemia during pregnancy increases your chances of having a premature baby, having a child with low birth weight, and developing postpartum depression. Some studies have also found an increased risk of newborn death shortly before or after birth.

What conditions increase the risk of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy?

You are more likely to develop anemia during pregnancy if you:

  • Are you expecting more than one child?
  • Have two pregnancies that are close in time.
  • Have a strong menstrual flow before pregnancy
  • You suffer from anemia before you become pregnant.
  • You frequently vomit as a result of morning sickness
  • You aren't getting enough iron.

Anemia prevention during pregnancy

Preventing anemia during pregnancy is as simple as modifying or adding to your diet. A pregnant woman should consume 30 milligrams of iron (at least three servings) per day, according to medical specialists.

  1. Iron-rich foods include the following:
  2. Lean meats, red meats, and poultry
  3. Eggs
  4. Vegetables with dark, leafy green leaves (such as broccoli, kale, and spinach)
  5. Seeds and nuts
  6. Tofu, lentils, and beans

Although it can be difficult to consume as much iron as is recommended during pregnancy, iron supplements should be used in addition to these foods. Foods high in vitamin C can help the body absorb more iron, so making these additions is also advantageous.

Foods high in vitamin C include:

  1. Fruits and drinks containing citrus
  2. Kiwis
  3. Tomatoes
  4. Strawberries
  5. Oranges
  6. Recap the facts 


Since you're pregnant or attempting to get pregnant, you should be aware of the necessity of getting enough iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12. When you have anemic symptoms, eat a well-balanced diet, take prenatal vitamins, and consult your healthcare professional. When you do have an iron deficiency, your doctor can advise you on the best course of therapy and whether supplementation is essential.
