Naturally Reduce Your Monthly Pain

Women go through a variety of physical and emotional changes each month before their periods arrive. These are primarily caused by premenstrual syndrome. It affects more than 90% of menstruating women, making it a widespread problem.

Most of the time, lifestyle adjustments and natural therapies can help you manage your PMS symptoms, such as pain, cramps, and mood swings.

Here are a few natural ways to alleviate PMS symptoms

Consume more calcium-rich, low–fat dairy products. According to one study, calcium supplementation may be an effective way to reduce mood issues during PMS. Eating more calcium found in foods such as yoghurt, milk, soy products, and low-fat cheese — can also help with a range of PMS symptoms.

Take some vitamin D. Vitamin D is naturally found in foods such as sardines, oysters, and salmon, in addition to supplementation. According to one study, increasing your vitamin D intake can help minimize PMS symptoms.


The most typical dietary suggestions for PMS management are to reduce sugar intake and to get adequate complex carbs. Reduced sodium intake may assist some people by reducing bloating, water retention, breast enlargement, and discomfort.  Limiting the consumption of Caffeine may found a beneficial tip for some as caffeine has an association with PMS Symptoms similar to irritability and insomnia.

Regular exercise

Contrary to popular opinion, exercising before and during your period can be healthy. Regular aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling are recommended.

Endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin are released during exercise. These molecules have a good impact on your mood and sleep. Additionally, exercise can stretch the muscles, allowing them to relax and reduce cramping. Experts believe that moderate-intensity exercise is more beneficial than severe activities.

Yoga is one of the most effective kinds of exercise for reducing PMS symptoms. This type of exercise is popular for treating PMS symptoms due to its soft motions and positions, as well as its low-impact nature.

Stress Reduction

Breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga are all-natural, stress-reduction, and relaxation techniques. In the weeks leading up to menstruation, many women feel more assertive and aware of their demands. This can be used constructively by making time for relaxation, expressing feelings, and prioritizing your needs and what nourishes you.

Supplemental vitamins

Calcium, magnesium, vitamin E, and vitamin B-6 have all been reported to relieve symptoms, however, the proof is limited or non-existent.

Herbal treatments

Herbs such as ginkgo, ginger, chaste berry (Vitex Agnus), and evening primrose oil, help relieve PMS symptoms in some women. However, little scientific research has demonstrated that any herbs are useful for PMS symptoms treatment.

Consume entire grains

Substitute whole grains with processed grains, such as whole-grain bread, pasta, cereal, and brown rice. Changes in estrogen and progesterone levels can cause a fall in serotonin levels in the brain, which can influence your mood and cause depression, anxiety, or irritability.

If you have PMS, you may be able to improve your symptoms by making some lifestyle adjustments. Knowing your symptom pattern is a crucial first step toward managing them. You may begin by giving yourself more rest and self-care when you anticipate symptoms like headaches, irritation, despair, or anxiety. Speak with your healthcare practitioner, who can assist you in determining the best technique for you.
