Alarm Signs For Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) manifests itself in a variety of ways; including mood changes, tender breasts, food cravings, exhaustion, irritability, and hopelessness. It is estimated that as many as three in four women have had some form of premenstrual syndrome.

Symptoms tend to repeat themselves in a predictable pattern. However, the physical and emotional changes associated with premenstrual syndrome can range from barely noticeable to intense. 

PMS Signs and Symptoms

While PMS symptoms are often mild or moderate and have little impact on daily life, they can be severe enough to interfere with your daily activities and overall well-being.

If you have PMS, you will have symptoms before each menstrual period. You may only experience some of the symptoms listed below, or you may experience several, but PMS usually involves at least a few different symptoms.

Emotional symptoms

PMS-related mood, emotion, and behavior changes may include:

  1. Anxiety, restlessness, or a nervous feeling - Anxiety is a natural response to stress in an organism. This is the fear of what will occur.
  2. Unusual rage and irritability - Irritability is a state of being agitated. However, some people consider "agitation" to be a more severe form of irritability.
  3. Whatever term you use, when you're irritable, you're more likely to become frustrated or upset quickly. It is possible that you will experience it in response to stressful situations. It could also be a sign of a mental or physical health problem.
  4. Changes in appetite, including increased food cravings, particularly for sweets - Your hormones may not be the only reason you want to eat everything in your pantry before Flo arrives. Eating all of the foods can also help you deal with the emotions that come with the premenstrual stage of your cycle.
  5. When you eat starchy foods and sweets, your body produces serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical substance that promotes wellness sensations. A boost in good feelings is always welcome, but it's especially welcome when your messed-up hormones have you feeling all PMS-y.

Physical symptoms

With PMS, you will probably also notice certain physical symptoms, like:

  1. Menstruation occurs once a month when the womb loses its mucous membrane. It is normal to experience some pain, cramping, and discomfort during menstruation. Excessive pain that prevents you from working or attending school is not. Dysmenorrhea is an alternative term for painful periods.
  2. Diarrhoea is common before and during your period, and it's not always pleasant. Your gastrointestinal (GI) tract can be affected by the same hormonal changes that cause your uterus to contract and shed its lining.
  3. Headache - headaches associated with menstruation may be caused by changes in progesterone and estrogen levels in your body. These hormonal changes can affect serotonin and other neurotransmitters in your brain, causing headaches.