Use Of Misoprostol: Abortion And Other Medical Use

Purchase Misoprostol online is available with Cytotec and Cytolog brands, it is used to start labor, cause abortion, treat stomach ulcers, and in the treatment of postpartum bleeding caused by poor uterus contraction. It is a prostaglandin E1 medicine that will cause anti-secretion activity. This medicine can be consumed buccally or sublingually. If you are taking it for abortion, you can take it vaginally also. When it is used for abortion, it should be taken with a combination of another medicine called Mifepristone. It caused contractions and smoothened muscle tissues. It will dilate the cervix and will expel pregnancy parts out of the uterus through the vagina.

Most women prefer to buy online Misoprostol pill for early termination of pregnancy because of its success rate, which is more than 90%. This medicine is also helpful in the basal and night secretion of gastric liquids and revitalizing them. It will be helpful in the treatment of stomach ulcers by acting on the mucosal membrane of the abdomen.

Use and dose instructions of the Misoprostol pill

Before you start taking Misoprostol online, you must understand how to take Cytotec? What are the side effects? And other details about this medicine. While consulting with a healthcare expert about doses and methods to use this medicine one must discuss its medical history.

  • If you are taking these medical Abortion Pills online to end early pregnancy, it should be taken within the first trimester termination of pregnancy i.e. within 10 weeks of pregnancy. You can take this medicine by putting it under your tongue or between your cheek and gum. Keep it for 30 minutes allow it to dissolve completely and then swallow it. Another process of taking Abortion pills by vaginally. Keep your medicines in your vagina push them inside with a finger. This medicine will start its effect within 30 minutes and will start bleeding within 4-5 hours after consumption.
  • If you are taking this medicine for prevention of stomach ulcers take doses of 200mcg, 2-3 times a day. The dose limit of this medicine is 800mcg. If doses are intolerable, you can reduce them by 100mcg.


Before you order Misoprostol online, take advice from your healthcare expert. While consulting with a healthcare expert about doses and methods to use this medicine one must discuss its medical history. Avoid the use of this Abortion Pill online in the following medical conditions

  • Using IUD’s
  • Extrauterine pregnancy
  • More than 5pregnancies in past
  • During lactation
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Breathing problems like bronchial asthma

Side effects of Misoprostol pill

Use of this medical Abortion Pill will cause cramping and bleeding. Bleeding can be a normal as period bleeding. It may be seen as a natural miscarriage. This is the expected after-effect, which is proof that this medicine is working fine on your system. Apart from this, the use of this medicine will cause nausea, vomiting, indigestion, abdominal pain, etc. All these are temporary side effects and will end soon as the process ends. If they exist for a long consult with your healthcare expert it can be a symptom of infection.

Visit the healthcare expert center 3-4 weeks after taking this medicine to confirm abortion and to continue with your daily routines