Terminate Unwanted Gestation With Cytotec Online

There are many medicines available for pregnancy termination. But there’s the best medicine used for abortion solely as well as by combining it with another medicine. This unique options for unplanned pregnancy termination is online Cytotec. This should be used within 8 weeks of pregnancy, which will terminate a pregnancy in 10-12 days. This can be used at home without the supervision of a healthcare specialist.

What is Cytotec?

Buy Cytotec online which is a synthetic prostaglandin E1 medicine that should be used after Mifeprex when taking for pregnancy termination. This medical Abortion Pills online is sold as a brand product for generic Misoprostol. It was originally built for treating stomach ulcers and cavities caused by NSAIDs like aspirin, ibuprofen, etc. While taking this for treating stomach ulcers this works by suppressing pepsin which is a basic gastric juice and by stimulating the secretion of mucus.

When you take Cytotec online to end early pregnancy this medicine will work by removing the pregnancy tissue from the uterus. This will dilate the cervix and soften the uterine linings of the uterus. This will cause vaginal bleeding and cramping while removing the pregnancy tissue from the uterus. The intensity of cramps depends on the gestation period of pregnancy.

Process of taking the Abortion Pill

If you are taking this medical Abortion Pill in combination with Mifepristone, take Cytotec 1-2 days after first. 4 pills of Misoprostol are used for this. You can take them either vaginally or orally. While taking them vaginally keep them in the vagina and push inside with a finger. When you take them orally keep them inside the mouth and let them dissolve for 30 minutes and then swallow them. You can use 2 pills at a time while administrating them orally. When you take this early termination pill orally or vaginally avoid vomiting and Micturation respectively for 30 minutes at least.

If you are taking Cytotec solely, you’ll need 12 pills of this. For this take this medicine vaginally. Repeat administration of 4 pills every 3 hours.

After Effects

After successful administration of this effective abortion medicine, it will start its effect within 30 minutes and a woman may experience cramping and vaginal bleeding within the next 4-5 hours. Both these are expected after-effects of this Abortion Pill online. Along with this, a woman will experience side effects like nausea, cold, mild fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. All these side effects are temporary and can be controlled with the help of other medicines too.

When you take Cytotec make sure you don’t overdose them. An overdose of these medical Abortion Pills online can be identified by the following symptoms,

  • Low reaction rate
  • Seizures
  • Tachycardia
  • Epigastria pain
  • Hypotension


Before you buy online Cytotec you must discuss it with your healthcare specialist. If you have any of the following medical conditions avoid the use of this early pregnancy termination pill

  • If your pregnancy is exceeding 10 weeks
  • If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy
  • During Breastfeeding
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Brain disorder or tumour
  • Liver disease
  • Inflammation in the digestive tract
  • Uterine disease
  • Bladder infection

Avoid the use of this medicine if you have any of the above-mentioned diseases.