How does infertility hit you and what reasons affect fertility?

Fertility issues can be diagnosed in some women, and it becomes necessary that one does know what causes it. Some women do have a misconception that the use of online Abortion Pills can lead to fertility issues. The fact is the pregnancy termination tablet does not have any effect on the fertility issues as the tablets tend to work only in the uterus and flush the pregnancy parts out from the body.


A woman is said to have infertility when a woman does fail to conceive even after trying for a consecutive year. It is always not mandatory that women do have infertility issues, males have a fertility issue. There are treatments available that can help you, but do get diagnosed once with your health care provider.


A woman can have infertility of her menstrual cycle is longer for 35 days or more, the less than 21 days, absent of menstrual period for a longer period. Other than this there are fewer chances of having some other signs or symptoms.

Seeking help from the health care provider.

  • Up to 35 years:  before you test or try to get pregnant, your health care provider suggests you to try it in a natural manner for a year.
  • Age between 35-40 years: discuss the concern you have after 6 months of trying. 
  • After the age of 40: your health care provider suggests you to have a test as soon as you arrive for the treatment.

Causes that influence infertility

Regular intercourse

It is necessary that you must understand the fertile window. While your fertility is at the peak, you need to indulge in regular intercourse so that the chances of getting pregnant increase. If you do not have any idea about the fertility window, you can seek help from the health care provider.

Your partner too needs to have a sperm

This is only possible if your partner has undergone surgery or has a history of illness or surgery. Your doctor can run a few tests that can help to know about your partner’s fertility.

Having open fallopian tubes and a normal uterus

The eggs and sperm meet in the fallopian tube and the embryo must grow in a healthy uterus.


To get pregnant, it is necessary that ovaries must be able to produce and release eggs. Your health care provider can help you evaluate your menstrual cycles and confirm ovulation.

Some basic factors that affect fertility in women


The consumption of caffeine is to be restricted so that it can help to avoid the ability of a woman to get pregnant.

Quit smoking

Smoking should be avoided completely if you wish to conceive. The intake of nicotine in the body does have a negative effect on the general health and development of the fetus and hence do restrict smoking.

Maintain a healthy weight

Obesity does affect fertility and hence women are guided that they do maintain a healthy weight that can help to conceive.

Other than the mentioned things, there are some ovulation disorders such as too much prolactin, PCOS, premature ovarian failure, and hypothalamic dysfunction that contribute to the fertility disorder.