How does this new-old virus affect accessing abortion?

Coronavirus or COVID-19 are high on something as it is spreading like fire. This virus has completely taken the charge of other disorders and has affected so many people mentally, psychically as well financially. No one would have thought that any virus can bring the world to a standstill. Not a single person is left unaffected, then how can one forget the stress of women carrying unwished gestation. 

Women with unplanned gestation or unwished gestation are guided to buy Abortion Pills and get rid of gestation.

Do you think, accessing the termination tablets during this pandemic is easy? Not at all, the pandemic has affected access to abortion, and women are finding it difficult to get some handy solution.

Factors that affect accessing the abortion

Unavailability of the tablets

Women having an abortion need to access Mifeprex and Misoprostol to cancel the gestation. Where can you access these tablets from? Of course, online stores and local stores are the only options that can help women access tablets. Due to the pandemic, the drugs that are imported from China do help in creating remedies such as Abortion Pills and birth control tablets. The lack of resources is something that leads to the unavailability of Abortion Pills and birth control tablets. Also, women are finding it difficult to have a home abortion.

The self-isolation has increased the chances of indulging in sexual intimacy, unprotected sexual activities, and rape. But when there is no access to birth control tablets or abortion tablets, you can find it difficult to deal with such a situation. 

Loss of income

Medical abortion is something that can be accessed from the corner of your home. This pandemic has taken away the jobs of many people and, accessing any type of abortion is not easy. Medical abortion is an easy process as a well reliable one, but accessing this facility is also not economical for some women during this period. As there are no jobs, people are finding it difficult to survive, and accessing the tablets due to no or low income can risk the lives of women.

Diversion of sources

While you cannot order Mifeprex and Cytotec tablets online, the possibility to undergo a surgical abortion has also declined. A surgical abortion is performed only and only with the help of an expert, but due to this pandemic, the resources are diverted, and the whole method to have a surgical abortion has also got affected.

Travelling is restricted

Women having an abortion in countries or states where abortion is illegal to have to travel to other countries, but due to the pandemic traveling is not possible. Instead, traveling during this period increases your cost by adding the charges of quarantine, travel, and other COVID care.

After considering all the factors, you can conclude that the pandemic has made it challenging to access any of the medical facilities. Women not only find it difficult to decide about abortion during this period, but have an impact on accessing the abortion facilities. People are trying to manage the situation, and accessing medical abortion can be the only reason even though it can get delayed due to shipping and other issues.