Know the benefits of using MTP kit

Initially, when women had no option to terminate the pregnancy they were worried. It is really difficult for women to continue with unwished gestation, this can prove to be dangerous for the health of women sometimes. When surgical abortion was introduced, only a few could access it due to the laws. Today, medical abortion is amongst the known medical health care facility that helps women terminate the pregnancy. Women having unwished gestation can buy online Abortion Pills and get rid of the gestation during the initial stage.

MTP kit

One of the trusted and known remedies that can be used by women includes the MTP kit. This is a whole package that contains 5 tablets and helps women to get rid of early pregnancy. Women can cancel the pregnancy with the help of the whole pack. 

As soon as you open the pack, 5 tablets can be seen and out of those 5, 1 is Mifepristone 200mg and 4 are Misoprostol 200mcg. This is an amazing remedy that can be used by women to get rid of the gestation. 

Advantages of using this abortion kit

No anesthesia is mandatory or used during the process

  1. You can use this process to make your abortion look like a natural miscarriage
  2. It is a non-invasive process, easy and safe to terminate the pregnancy
  3. No big arrangements or infrastructure is required to carry the process
  4. During the early stage of pregnancy, this is a valid process to be used.


Women guided to use the MTP kit need to use both the tablets to get rid of the gestation. The use of Mifepristone 200mg is the first tablet to be used. This primary tablet works by blocking the growth of the progesterone hormones. After the use of Mifepristone, wait for 24 hours and then use Misoprostol 200mcg, 4 tablets that soften the cervix, and contracts the uterus to flush the pregnancy parts from the body.

Women can get desired results only if the gestation period is within 9 weeks. 

The limitations of using this abortion kit

There are some of the side effects that hit women after making the use of abortion tablets. 

  1. Bleeding occurs in 10-15 days
  2. Once the process is initiated, the process cannot be reversed. If pregnancy parts continue to be in the uterus, the risk of fetal malformation may increase.

Availability and convenience

MTP kit is available at local stores as well as on e-pharmacies, hence, women do not have to worry about the availability of the tablets. As there are sources you can get them easily, you do not have to worry much about accessing them. You can conveniently purchase them as the price of this kit or the tablets is pocket friendly. 

Follow up

After having an abortion, ensure that you do not forget to follow up. After having an abortion, undergoing a check-up or following up should not be ignored. An ultrasound test helps you know whether the pregnancy parts have flushed out from the body or not. After you order MTP kit online and have an abortion, ensure you are following up.