Commit To Be Fit Before Motherhood

When it comes to fertility, your weight is important. Being overweight or underweight could make it hard to conceive. This is because excess or lack of fat might produce an imbalance in the reproductive hormones that allow you to conceive during any particular menstrual cycle.

The Effects of Obesity on Female Fertility

Obesity is a common cause of infertility. Obese people typically have difficulty becoming pregnant because they do not ovulate regularly. You're not allowed to get pregnant unless you ovulate.

The hormone oestrogen is naturally produced by your ovaries, but fat cells also produce oestrogen. If you have an abundance of fat cells, your body will produce an abundance of oestrogen. You may cease ovulating if you use birth control or are pregnant (both of which cause an increase in oestrogen).

Fertility treatments can make it easier to get pregnant, but obesity can reduce your chances of conceiving even with assisted reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilization (IVF). As a result, it's a good idea to consult with a doctor as soon as possible about strategies to obtain a weight that's right for your body, health, and pregnancy objectives.

Is obesity associated with a lower likelihood of conceiving?

Obesity has been shown to reduce the success rate of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Obese women had lower pregnancy rates and greater loss rates, according to studies. Obese women are more likely to acquire pregnancy-induced (gestational) diabetes and high blood pressure. Obese women are also more likely to undergo a caesarean section. Obese moms' children are more likely to have certain birth abnormalities and high birth weight.

Fertility and being underweight

Underweight (BMI below 18.5) can reduce a woman's fertility by generating hormonal imbalances that affect ovulation and the probability of becoming pregnant. Underweight women are more likely to take more than a year to get pregnant than women who are in a healthy weight range. When you are underweight and trying to conceive, a nutritionist can help you adjust food and gain weight.

Preparing for a pregnancy

If you want to get pregnant, starting a healthy diet and fitness plan right now will increase your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby. Making good dietary adjustments and increasing your regular physical activity will help you achieve a more healthy weight. This is especially critical when utilizing IVF and other forms of assisted reproduction technology (ART).

Obesity has been shown in studies to diminish the rate of pregnancy and live births in women undergoing ART while increasing the chance of miscarriage. However, losing weight by food, lifestyle, and other modifications improves these outcomes dramatically. Consult your doctor about any dietary supplements, such as folic acid and iodine, that you may require.

Tips to adjust the right weight before pregnancy

  1. Limit unhealthy snacking and have regular meals.
  2. Replace sugary drinks and alcohol with water.
  3. Every day, get moving. Include frequent physical exercise in your routine, such as going to the store, using the stairs, and strolling with a buddy.
  4. Spend less time sitting by getting up frequently while using a computer or mobile device and substituting other activities for screen time.
  5. Set a reasonable weight loss target. It might make you feel more driven and engaged.
  6. Aiming for a half-to-one-kilogram weight loss every week until you achieve your desired weight is an excellent objective.