Frequent Questions About Pill Abortion Process

The pill abortion procedure is one of the non-invasive methods which work to get rid of unwanted pregnancy. This is an oral remedy that works so that it can help women to abort early pregnancy at home. The medical abortion process works only if the gestation period of the pregnancy is not more than 9 weeks. After having an abortion women can confirm after 14 days of having pregnancy termination.

What is the medical abortion procedure and how to proceed with it?

Two medicines are involved in the medical termination of pregnancy process- Mifepristone and Misoprostol kit. Both these progesterone and prostaglandin pills respectively work so that it becomes easy for the women to dispel the pregnancy tissue from the body. On day 1, you are supposed to make the use of Mifepristone pill and after 24 hours or the 2nd day; you are prescribed the second pill which is the Misoprostol pill.

Where to use these medical Abortion Pills online and are they safe?

Buy online Abortion Pills which are safe also they are FDA-approved Abortion Pills and help women with first trimester termination of pregnancy. Women can either make use of this early pregnancy termination pill at the healthcare center under the supervision of a healthcare provider or can make use of this pregnancy termination pill at home corners.

From where can women buy Abortion Pills for terminating the pregnancy?

Once women are prescribed with the early stage Abortion Pill they can get these pill to end early pregnancy from a healthcare expert or they can even purchase Abortion Pills online from the online stores. Most of women do prefer to get this pill to take to get rid of pregnancy from the online store i.e. site. So that it can help to maintain privacy about pregnancy termination.

What side effects can be experienced by women after having a termination with MTP kit pills?

Like any other medicine, this MTP Kit used to end pregnancy at home does result in some of the side effects like:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Cramps
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Excessive bleeding

How can women come to know whether the abortion process is successful or not?

After you order MTP Kit online for use there are two symptoms that can help you understand that you are having an abortion- cramping, and bleeding.

The cramps last for a few hours, whereas bleeding does last for a week or two. These are the pills only which help you know that you are having an abortion.

What makes women eligible to have safe use of MTP Kit pills?

The medical abortion process is to be performed during the early pregnant stages and hence having a gestation period between 8-10 weeks is mandatory. Also, there are some other criteria in which women need to fit and hence women must check the criteria with the help of health care providers.

Are women allowed to breastfeed while on MTP Kit pills?

A woman who is undergoing an abortion with the help of an early termination pill is not allowed to breastfeed the child. There are chances that this breast milk can pass on to the baby and hence women must store the breast milk before undergoing this pregnancy termination process. Once the medical abortion procedure is completed women can again start feeding the child. But do make sure that you once consult your healthcare provider regarding breastfeeding.